Mosaic Project

The Mosaic Project is a unique, monthly, online flash memoir* writing workshop for community members of the Asian, Pacific Islander, and Desi diaspora. Founded in early 2020 as a program of Richmond Story House, right before the global pandemic turned our lives upside down, the Mosaic Project has nurtured our community during these uncertain times through storytelling, creativity, and connection. 

*Flash memoirs are short, personal stories focusing on particular life moments and experiences. Mosaic Project workshops are typically stand-alone sessions. Writing prompts are provided and sharing out is optional. All experience levels are welcome!

The Mosaic Project is a free community program (now provided through Embody Change) and donations are graciously and gratefully accepted. Pay what you can, suggested donation (sliding):


2021 Workshops

Dates & Venue: Third Fridays starting September 2021, 12 pm-1 pm EST/9 am-10 am PST

Online on Zoom; Registration required here. You can register for one or more of the following sessions:

Sept 17

Oct 15

Nov 19

Dec 17

To get a taste for the kinds of stories we tell:

  • We published a digital zine in summer 2020 exploring the theme of “Ancestors”

Inaugural, in-person Mosaic Project workshop, Feb 2020“I really, really appreciate what you’re doing. And I cannot thank you enough for creating this very important and valuable and meaningful safe space where I feel like I can talk and share my stories... I think in Richmond and even in Virginia and even on the East Coast people don’t tend to think of that as being a place where you can find Asian Americans. I think the West Coast is always the main story. So I think it’s really important to realize I’m not alone and there are other people here that I can share my space with and share my story with.”                              —Emma Ito, Virginia Humanities

Inaugural, in-person Mosaic Project workshop, Feb 2020

“I really, really appreciate what you’re doing. And I cannot thank you enough for creating this very important and valuable and meaningful safe space where I feel like I can talk and share my stories... I think in Richmond and even in Virginia and even on the East Coast people don’t tend to think of that as being a place where you can find Asian Americans. I think the West Coast is always the main story. So I think it’s really important to realize I’m not alone and there are other people here that I can share my space with and share my story with.”

—Emma Ito, Virginia Humanities

Sending you energy, love, and an invitation to join us“ Fantastic, amazing workshops. So grateful for the space you have created and the folks you have gathered.”                                       —Mosaic Project participant

Sending you energy, love, and an invitation to join us

Fantastic, amazing workshops. So grateful for the space you have created and the folks you have gathered.”

—Mosaic Project participant